Saturday, February 19, 2011

Health Care Tips

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods.

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Investigate show that further than 5.5 million South Africans are at risk for sickness due to their lofty cholesterol levels. Are you one of them? Then you may be paying attention to know that definite foods can be especially helpful in scheming your cholesterol levels. We did the groundwork for you and scheduled them here.

Note that these foods are arranged in indiscriminate order, and that being listed initial doesn’t intend that the precise sustenance or sustenance collection is superior to any of the others. Also retain in mind that it is necessary to ever pursue a wide-ranging diet that holds foods from all the dissimilar sustenance groups.
1) Olive oil and olive products
Olive oil is wealthy in monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Research has shown that foods with lofty monounsaturated fatty acid content lower bad low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increase good high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Anyone with raised cholesterol levels wants to increase his HDL cholesterol and lower his LDL cholesterol levels, which olive oil and products made of olives, shall promote. Have one or twain tablespoons of olive oil a day above salads or use for cooking, and add some olives to your salads. Retain an eye open for margarine made from olive oil as this also has the advantage of a snooty monounsaturated fatty acid content.
2) Polyunsaturated, ‘lite’ and Flora ‘pro-active’ margarine
Soft or tub margarine with a lofty polyunsaturated fatty acid content shall also assist to lower LDL cholesterol. Then there are the margarines, which have a abridged fat, energy and salt content – all factors that can donate to heart health. Flora pro-active margarine has been specially developed to lower LDL cholesterol by up to 25% whether you use it every day. This kind of margarine holds added plant sterols that protect the uptake of fats from the diet and lower blood fat levels. You can use this margarine to replace butter or other types of margarine on bread and cooked vegetables.
3) Legumes
Legumes consist dry, cooked or canned beans, lentils, peas and all the soya products
Legumes have lofty dietary fibre content and are wealthy in protective nutrients, including minerals, B vitamins and phytonutrients. These nutrients preserve the heart and the dietary fibre content lowers cholesterol and energy intake.Legumes are also of course low in fat and don’t hold any cholesterol. On summit of this, they have a low glycaemic index (GI). The South African Food-based Dietary Guidelines suggest that we should eat dry beans, peas, lentils and soya regularly.Make an attempt to eat legumes at minimum three to four times a week, preferably every day.
4) Fat-free yoghurt and other fat-free dairy products
Full-cream dairy products and most cheeses have a lofty saturated fat content and require to be ignored whether you have raised cholesterol levels.However, this does’t intend that you should hew out this sustenance collection altogether. Cutting out dairy products shall deprive you of calcium, a mineral that\’s necessary for the hale functioning of the heart and numerous other significant roles in the human body, such as the prevention of osteoporosis.You can, although, use fat-free milk, yoghurt and cottage cheese in a low-cholesterol diet. Once the fat has been removed from a dairy commodity, it also removes virtually all the cholesterol.Fat-free yoghurt is a especially fine alternative as it is wealthy in protein, calcium and Lactobacillus microorganisms which might assist to lower blood cholesterol levels.
5) Antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables
All fruits and vegetables can assist to lower cholesterol and preserve the heart. twain groups are especially helpful, namely those fruits and vegetables that are wealthy in vitamin C, or wealthy in beta-carotene.
a) Vitamin C
Foods wealthy in vitamin C consist all the citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemons and naartjies), all berry fruits (cranberry, strawberry, blackberry etc), guava, spanspek, mango, the whole cabbage family (green and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), as well as lovable and chilli peppers.
b) Beta-carotene
Foods wealthy in beta-carotene consist all dark yellow fruits (apricots, yellow peaches, spanspek and mango) and vegetables (pumpkin, lovable potatoes, butternut, carrots) and all dark green vegetables (broccoli, cabbage and spinach).If you have heart sickness or raised cholesterol levels, build ensure you get your five portions of fruit and vegetables per day.
6) Garlic and other members of the onion family
Garlic has been used for centuries to promote fine health. Research shows that members of the allium family, such as garlic, spring onions and other onions, can be used to lower cholesterol and preserve the heart. Use garlic liberally in cooking and on fresh salads.
Researchers think that the lofty garlic content of the so-called Mediterranean diet is one of the factors that build this diet so heart-friendly.
7) Overall, unsifted or unprocessed grains
All unsifted and unprocessed grains and cereals, and the foods produced from unmilled flour, are wealthy in B vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre (both soluble and insoluble), but low in fat and cholesterol.Grains and cereals made of unprocessed wheat (wholewheat and seed bread, crackers, high-bran cereals) assist to sure regularity because they have a lofty insoluble fibre content. On the other hand, oats and oat bran have a lofty soluble fibre content which can actively lower blood cholesterol levels.Have a bowl of oats or muesli, which holds uncooked oats, every day to retain your cholesterol in check.
Researchers have discovered that people who eat fish three or more times a week are less likely to suffer from heart sickness and lofty blood pressure. This is primarily due to the lofty omega-3 fatty acid content of fish.The greatest fish sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish like salmon, tuna, trout and sardines, but eating any kind of fish shall advantage your heart.Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to compact atherosclerosis, ventricular arrhythmias, blood fats, atherosclerotic plaques and blood pressure – all fine reasons for eating fish regularly.
9) Venison and ostrich
South Africans are called for their love of meat, and numerous people who require pursuing a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet are horrified by the restrictions on eating ruddy meat.You can, although, eat moderate portions of venison and ostrich on a low-cholesterol diet, because these meats are low in complete  fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Just build ensure that you don\’t add gargantuan quantities of fat to the meat during preparation and cooking.The present boom in our ostrich industry is due to the fact that this meat is so low in cholesterol that it has become a well-liked item on the menus of health-conscious people all above the world.
10) Omega-3-enriched foods
As mentioned before, the omega-3 fatty acids can play a important role in helping to compact the risk of lofty cholesterol levels. unluckily, contemporary Western diets don\’t hold enough omega-3 to meet our needs.Some sustenance producers have taken this to heart and now that bring out standard foods that are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. In South Africa, you can buy milk, eggs and bread that are enriched with omega-3. You might have to hunt around, but you should be capable to discover these products in most gargantuan supermarkets.The eggs in special can build a variation. The govern for egg intake is that anybody with heart problems should not eat more than four spawn a week. So build ensure that whether you eat eggs, they are omega-3 enriched, because the increased levels of omega-3 balance out the lofty cholesterol content of the eggs.

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Child Health Care Tips 

Now similar to other vitamins, Vitamin D is a very important nutrient fro kids. It is essential in the amalgamation and practice of calcium and phosphorus within the body. Calcium and phosphorus helps maintain better growing frame in children. Kid’s nourishment and go on a diet is the key in in only if them with hale mounting bones.
Based on the findings of a learn in print in the periodical of fillet and Joint operation, children who drink lesser amount of vitamin D may bear metabolic bone sickness. The findings of this learn prove how significant vitamin D is to the being body. In fact, children missing in vitamin D are prone to the development of feeble, bone and imbalanced bones.
To confirm the effects of vitamin D deficiency, 723 orthopedic patients participated in the learn. Before they participated in the learn, researchers made ensure that these patients were already cleared of eclectic surgeries. These surgeries were ended on ankles, hand, hips, knee, feet or the vertebra.
The result of the research is as follows: 57 percent of these individuals had sufficient end of the nutrient, 28 of them had short intake of vitamin D though 15 percent were originated to have a vitamin D deficiency. Hence, twain of every five patients were disadvantaged of vitamin D. These results appeared that the patients might have greater chances of acquiring afflicted with metabolic bone disease.
Lane sees the learn not as a conclusion, but a starting. He said, this learn serves as “a wake call to orthopedists that vitamin D shortage is deadly disease, viewing for it should be portion of routine pre-surgical care.”
Furthermore, the research encourages people to increase their consumption of vitamin D augment foods. Examples of this food are fish, liver, egg yolk, broccoli, mushrooms exploit and additional dairy products. Other than foods, parents can also resort to sustenance supplements that hold vitamin D.Kids require hale sustenance choice in schools and at domestic to head off this vitamin deficiency.

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The diet of the children should be full of proteins. Chicken, fish and beans are good sources of proteins and should be included in the diet of the children. Oil of good quality should be used to cook the food. Organic butter and olive oil are good options for cooking food. Having a protein rich diet would help in boosting up the immune system of the child.
Vegetables are enriched with all the essential Minerals vitamins, antioxidants and fiber for boosting up the health of the child. So, vegetables should be included in the diet of the children for improving their health.
Parents should make sure that their child drinks lot of water every day. This would help in maintaining proper hydration level of the body. Also, all the toxins from the body would be flushed out in a great way.
In order to maintain external health of the toddlers, parents should make sure to bathe their child every day. The hands and the feet of the toddlers should be washed several times in a day. The nails of the child should be clipped once in a week.
By keeping in mind the above described tips, you would be able to take care of your toddler in a very effective and nice manner.

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It might happen that children frequently incur in ‘influence and bloodless. Parents tend to angst, when confronted with a condition that occasionally becomes complicated to control. In each case the experts reassure, given that whole thing wants to be addressed with definite awareness. In this intellect we must take into account some significant elements. 

Colds, episodes of fever and mild infections to which children might experience during the winter months particularly going to school, are no cause for undue apprehension, since you can configure how the conditions covered by the habit. In fact children are yet developing antibodies and have still to full the procedure of development of their immune system, which occurs above time.
From one level of sight we can also tell that communicate by children with infectious agents that cause the flu can also be helpful, as this can assist children to develop their defenses and not to incur again in chaos. Experts assure that above the initial three years of seven or eight episodes of infection during the winter season can be deemed normal.
More concentration should be paid when the infections go away from this number or when it comes to serious infections, such as in the case of pneumonia. To prevail in each case should be normal intellect, which should lead to attitudes, not immoderate, that they have no purpose to subsist. Surely the time and child’s growth shall do their portion. 

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News for health care tips

Drink plenty of water: Drinking water not only hydrates you, but it improves the appearance of your skin. If the recommended eight glasses are hard to get each day, try keeping a reusable jug at your desk that is proportioned with the daily recommended 64 ounces. This way you'll know how much you have left to consume before the end of the day. 

Eat healthy foods: A healthy skin diet is just as important as the products you put on your face. Healthy skin starts with healthy eating. Get enough vitamin A from sources such as low-fat dairy products. Eat whole-wheat breads for selenium, and get enough fatty acids from foods, like salmon and flax seed. Eating right will leave your skin glowing. 

Get a skin care routine: You should have a personalized skin care routine that you take part in each day. Choose products that are designed for your specific skin type

Have a cup of green tea a day: Some studies have indicated that a daily cup of green tea stops inflammation of the skin and slows damage to DNA. 

Re-evaluate your products each season: New seasons bring different weather. Re-evaluate the types of products you use each time the weather changes. For example, if your skin becomes dry during the winter, you may want to use a thicker face moisturizer, and you may need a higher SPF on your face in the summer. 

See a dermatologist: To keep your skin healthy, one of the most important things you can do is see a dermatologist each year. A dermatologist can give you healthy skin tips, check for skin cancer and treat skin conditions. 

Wear sunscreen: You should be wearing sunscreen with at least a SPF 15 each day. If you haven't been, it's not too late to start. Wearing a sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays will help guard against sun cancer and the signs of aging.

The results of all your hard work should be healthier looking skin and a more self-confident you.

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Baby health care tips

On that special day you bring your newborn baby home from hospital, life as you know it changes forever. Where to start with newborn baby care?
Huggies Australia has put all their baby care tips, techniques and information into 1 place, to help make newborn baby care as easy as possible for new mums and dads. Becoming a parent is a big adjustment! Having an online resource to support you through this life-changing event can help make this time even more special. Trust us, it will be over quicker than you think. Enjoy every minute.
So browse, read, learn all the great baby care information from Huggies and enjoy this beautiful time in your and your new baby’s life. Huggies can help with all your baby care needs, from advice through to products

Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is a very important element of baby care. Let us help you learn to breastfeed the right way at the right times. Our guides show you how to get your baby to latch on, and what to do if you get a breastfeeding-related infection like Mastitis. Breast milk is the perfect food for your baby as it has all the vitamins and nutrients your baby needs grow up healthy and strong. Find out more about ensuring your baby is getting enough breast milk.

Baby formula
If for whatever reason you decide not to breastfeed,Baby foumula is the next best thing. Baby formula is specifically developed to provide all the necessary nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) as well as necessary vitamins and minerals to ensure your baby is well fed from birth. Do some research, ask your early childhood centre or doctor, talk to other new mums, and use the Huggies online forum to find out which baby formulas best suit you and your baby’s needs. 

Baby feeding
Baby feeding can be a tough subject for new parents to grasp. What can you feed your baby and what can’t you? What foods are best to make sure your baby continues to grow up healthy and strong? Many new parents don’t know the answers to these questions. Huggies can help you understand the intricacies of baby feeding including; what solids to feed your baby, insights and knowledge on baby allergies and information on baby nutrition. However, you should also enjoy this time of your baby’s development, as it can be rewarding and a time to enjoy a real feeling of closeness between you and your little one.

Baby sleep 
Sleep is one of the most import aspects of your baby’s early development. Newborn babies sleep almost 16 hours a day and developing a routine that works for you and your new baby is important. Huggies can help guide you in creating good routines and sleeping patterns for your baby so that you and your baby get as much sleep as possible. Huggies also has great articles and information on common Baby sleep problems and how best to try and manage them. 
Baby health care
Even an experienced parent can get stressed and worried over what may really be a minor Baby health care scare. The more you know about your baby’s health, the better and the more confident you will feel about caring for your baby and recognising how serious a condition or symptom may be. Huggies cannot replace the advice and care of healthcare professionals such as your doctor, but we can give you the basics and more on how best to care for your baby’s health and wellbeing, and also help answer the many questions you may have about your baby’s health and development.

Baby Milestones 
Your baby will achieve some miraculous developmental milestones during the first few years of their life. But how do you know what milestones should happen, and at what age? Did you know, that at 2 months your baby should be able to smile? And at 6 months should be able to grasp objects in their little hands? Huggies provides a comprehensive baby milestone guide for all parents as they participate in their children’s development.

Newborn care
Newborn babies can seem tiny and frail, but they are always beautiful. How can you best provide newborn care for a baby so small and helpless? Huggies has tips and advice on not only how to care for your newborn baby but also on parenting so you can feel more confident about dealing with any bouts of stress and anxiety as well as the overall needs and demands of a Newborn care.

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